Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Right Decisions

You made some wrong decisions in the past? Have you thought about choosing different when you get some chances again. I suggest this would be one of the worst decisions you have ever made. All the mistakes you made are defining you as a person. Changing your way of life, there is always the possibility that you wont end up where you are now. And maybe, you would think again, you should have chosen the other way. Making life-effecting decisions isn't easy. So there are some things you should think about before deciding for a way. Rational decisions are most of the time the wrong ones. The majority of people decides rational, so you're one of a million little points not highlighting above the others. I say: "Take the risk. Find the rational solution and do exactly the difference". This excludes of course things like: "I shouldn't jump from a building". You should live your life as best as you can. You have a given time, so try to make it the best time and make a memory. When all the others stand still, you should run. When they are going on the right side, chose the left one. I think I made my point. I can tell you from my own experience it really works. You will be known and respected. Of course you need a lot of courage, always going your way on your own. But some of the others will join you time after time. Teach them how to make the wrong decisions and get happy with their lives.

greetings from the other side...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was quite motivational, thanks ;)
