Friday, September 5, 2008

Part ONE of my story

Ok, today I wanna try something new. I will tell you a story, not a true story though, but I hope you like it.

A few weeks ago I met this guy. I was just working behind the bar at a hotel and he came, struggled a few times and finally sat down at one of these bar stool. The stool was made out of black pine wood. The top was furnished with red velvet but the fabric had already stains and fissures. The guy ordered a gin tonic and glanced around. He was very tall. Although he sat on the stool he was about one feet taller than me. His dark, short hair curled on his head. When I served him the drink I realized something strange. He had one of those small pigtails which were popular in the 40s. Probably they were popular once more after the star wars movie where anakin skywalker had one of those pigtails. I didn't dare asking him about it. This artefact of ancient times didn't fit into his whole appearance. Although he was clearly drunk he looked like a sucessful business guy. Suit, tie, expensive shoes.
After he ordered another two drinks he started to talk to me. Gabbling something about how sad his life turned out and he never wanted to sell his soul. When he said the sell his soul part I couldn't hold it in any longer. I had to ask... Assuming he sold his soul to the devil I asked him about it. He just slurred something negating and passed out on the bar. Security took him up to his room.
The next day after he got over his hangover I saw him walking out of the hotel. Confident. But he shot a short glance at me and I saw the sadness in his face. He seemed not really happy with his current life and I just hoped he wouldn't toss himself off a roof. The electronic sliding glass-door closed behind him and I saw him vanish around the corner.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude! wtf? :D