Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jeeeeeez, I'm Sorry!

I'm so sorry. I haven't written something for ages.
But I'm going on right now. What's bothering me is this friggin faked patriotism of 90% of the austrian inhabitants. As you know the european soccer championship starts in a few days. And suddenly all of the normally wailing folks are fulfilled with pure euphoria. Some of them are really thinking that the austrian team can really get out of the group games... Not until the next April, 30 2008. (insider joke, sry)
Ahh, what the heck... in one month is everything over and they all knew that the team isn't gonna make it.
And all these flags on their cars. Did you know that they are actually illegal on cars. But the politicians are exactly the same. They 'legalized' it for the EM time. Isn't there something left which isn't connected with soccer these days. It's flippin' crazy.
I hope I can post something else soon, but at the moment there are a few things going on and I don't know if I have time to think of something stupid to write :D

have a nice weekend everyone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ich hab auch bald so a fahne aufn auto :p

das ma nid weiterkommen is ma klar.. fahr eh mit mein portugal leiberl sumemrsplash :)